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Health Center

Health Services

大学生健康服务中心为全日制学生提供健康护理 regular academic year. During the summer, we are open for administrative purposes with limited clinical availability.

Students are seen by appointments. Students with sudden onset of illness or injury should call for an appointment. We will do our best to accommodate  a same day appointment, but understand that it is not always possible.

 To make an appointment, dial ext. 7261 on campus or 410-778-7261 off campus.

请不要发电子邮件给健康服务部预约紧急医疗或咨询, 我们希望您打电话,这样我们可以更好地了解您的需求并为您牵线 with the best resource.

学生将由家庭护士执业,医师助理,或注册 Nurse. You must present your college student ID card to receive services. All services 是保密的,信息不能泄露给行政部门,教师,家长, etc., without your permission. Students requiring more extensive evaluation, testing 或入院转介到当地医院,马里兰大学海岸地区 Health.

Students will be billed for a missed appointment fee of $40.00 if they fail to notify 在他们与我们的合作伙伴精神病学家/大学的预约前不到24小时内 of Maryland Psychiatry Associates. This fee will be billed directly to the student’s account.



We currently offer Plan B at no charge to students for emergency contraception. Appointments are required.

We encourage all students to get an annual Flu shot. Please ask your primary care provider or pharmacist to vaccinate you early in the Fall.


schedule your flu shot at walgreens pharmacy


schedule your on campus flu shot with acme pharmacy

Take everyday steps to protect your health

经常用肥皂和水洗手,特别是在咳嗽或打喷嚏后 或者在所有建筑物的高流量区域使用洗手液 campus.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs spread this way.

当你咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾捂住口鼻,然后扔掉纸巾 tissue away and wash your hands. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper arm. Do not cough or sneeze into your hands.

擦拭经常接触的表面,如门把手、电话、键盘等. at least daily.

与他人保持3-6英尺的距离,特别是当他们生病或咳嗽时 or sneezing.

Get enough sleep and eat a well-balanced diet. If you are run down you will be more susceptible to illness.

Monitor yourself for signs and symptoms of flu.

Signs and Symptoms of the flu

  • Fever of 100 or greater and at least one other symptom listed below
  • Cough
  • Sore Throat
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Body Aches
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If you have these symptoms

Do not go to class, the dining hall or campus events. 请尽快致电7261或410-778-7261通知卫生服务部门 as possible for further instructions. If Health Services is not open please self isolate in your room and follow the instructions at the following web sites.

如果有流感样疾病的学生、教职员工将被建议尽可能回家 to be cared for by family and to minimize the risk of spreading flu to others. Students, 教职员工应在至少48小时内退烧后才能返回校园 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. Arrangements will be made to assist students who are unable to return home.

Warning Signs and Symptoms for Adults with Flu

如果您有以下任何症状或您有并发症的高风险 contact your health care provider immediately.

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Blue or discoloration of the lips
  • Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Confusion
  • 严重或持续呕吐/脱水症状,如排尿不足
  • Flu symptoms improve and then return with fever and worse cough

高风险条件包括怀孕、哮喘、心脏病、糖尿病或任何慢性疾病 medical condition that compromises the immune system.

In an emergency please call 911.

Get additional information about seasonal flu from the CDC

Frequently Asked Questions

The Health Center is located between Caroline and Queen Anne Dorms.

We are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

马里兰大学海岸地区医疗中心急诊科 Chestertown is located directly behind Minta Martin and Reid Dormitories.

如果您需要帮助,您可以拨打公共安全电话410-778-7810(校园分机7810)。 or 911.

There are a few urgent care clinics available for after hours/ weekends. They treat 这些问题不能等到下一个工作日,但实际上并不需要 seen in the Emergency Department. There is no public transportation to or from these facilities. Public Safety may be able to help locally if available. Most of these require an out of pocket co-pay based on your private insurance. Some of them take your insurance while others do not. You should call and see if they accept your insurance:
   Eastern Shore Urgent Care, Chstertown, MD             (Does not accept CIGNA)
   Christiana Care-Middletown, DE
   Your Docs In- Easton

Check with your RA for minor problems. Your RA keeps a first aid kit on the hall that contains bandages, Tylenol, Advil, cold medications, antibiotic ointment, etc.

Walk-in appointments are not available during the pandemic.

要预约,您可以停止或拨打410-778-7261(分机7261从校园 phone).


当你去健康中心做检查或用药时,可能会收费 given.

There is no charge for the visit.

费用将记入您的学生帐户,并将显示在以下内容中 month’s bill.



许多药物包括非处方药物都不应该在那里使用 is any chance of pregnancy.


我们要确保我们有机会教育学生关于危险 of tobacco use.

目前的趋势是,大学校园成为无烟,无烟和电子烟 free.

Washington College has begun to explore this option. The college offers smoking cessation assistance for students.


重要的是你要知道哪些药物,包括非处方药, 维生素,甚至草药补充剂——你正在服用,多久服用一次,以及 the dosage.

我们要确保你所服用的药物不会引起你的症状 interact with medicines we prescribe.

保健中心配备执业护士(NPs)和一名经过认证的医生 assistant and a registered nurse.

The NPs can handle most problems you may have while on campus. They can perform exams, order labs and x-rays and write prescriptions.


Your visit to the Health Center is confidential.

We do not release any of your medical information without your permission. If you 打电话告诉你父母你的来访,然后你父母打电话给我们,我们不能给他们 any information without your permission.

如果您想让我们与家长交谈请在离开前征得我们的同意 the Health Center. We are happy to call and speak with them while you are here. If 我们认为与家长交谈是很重要的,我们可能会问你是否会打电话给他们 you are in the Health Center.

Health and Counseling  Services does not issue notes for missed classes. You should communicate directly with your professors.

如果确定您将因医疗或精神原因缺课3-5天 健康问题,我们会向教务处发出行政通知. 你需要直接与你的老师沟通你的缺勤情况 up work plans. If it is determined that you are expected to miss 6-14 days of classes, this qualifies as a medical leave 教务长办公室会通知你的教职员工,你已经被批准了 medical absence. This applies for medical and mental health reasons.

*** If you are placed on a medical leave of 3-5 or 6-14 days, you are not 允许参加课程、实习/实习或包括体育在内的校园活动; clubs, SGA and Greek life events.

健康中心可以照顾你可能有的大部分健康问题 at college such as:

  • Cold, Flu, and other minor illnesses
    Management of some chronic conditions
    Minor injuries
    Allergy shots
    Women’s contraceptive services - including no cost Plan B 
    Testing for sexually transmitted infections
    Smoking cessation.


There is no charge for your visit to the Health or Counseling Center.

我们在自助中心免费提供一些非处方药品/用品 Shelf, for more details click here

However, we currently charge for the following types of items:

  • Prescription and over-the-counter medications
  • Gatorade
  • Protein bars
  • In-house lab tests such as:
    • strep tests
    • urinalysis and urine pregnancy tests
  • Procedure charges may include:
    • suturing
    • nebulizer treatments
    • removal of impacted ear wax
    • cryo-freezing of warts or lesions
    • nail trephination
    • fluorescein eye exam
    • removal of foreign bodies
  •  Medical supplies such as:
    • ace wraps
    • splints
    • slings
    • reusable hot/cold pack.

这些项目和服务将在你的学生账户中计费,没有预付款 copay or fees

学生可以选择拿到书面处方去当地药房 或者从健康服务部门购买我们库存的药物的处方. For a list of our local pharmacies, click here

Students are financially responsible for the cost of any services performed outside 或者需要在当地药房配药的处方.

请在用药、检查前询问费用 or vaccines are given. These charges cannot be refunded after services are rendered.

我们不向保险公司开具账单,但如果需要,我们很乐意为您提供收据 you need it to submit to your insurance carrier for reimbursement.