


出位是世界上最大的大学联谊会,拥有超过23万名会员 包括20,000多名本科生和320个分会和殖民地 located throughout the United States 和 Canada.

出位 (ΚΣ), commonly nicknamed Kappa Sig or K-Sig was founded in 1869 at the 弗吉尼亚大学. It’s International Headquarters is based out of Charlottesville, 维吉尼亚州. It is currently the leader of all American 兄弟会 in terms of pledges, new initiates per year, service hours, philanthropic donations. 出位也 是其他兄弟会中会费最低的,是最老的 endowment fund which has donated $6.5 million to undergrads since the fund’s inception in 1919.

出位 is focused upon the Four Pillars of 奖学金, 领导, 奖学金, 服务. 作为一个以价值观为基础的男性兄弟会,出位严格禁止欺侮和培养 meaningful college experiences by offering progressive membership development 和 保证教育. 

九州娱乐官网出位的兄弟们作为一个组织致力于 make Greek Life at 九州娱乐官网 accessible, enjoyable, fulfilling to all 学生. We have an active role not just in the Campus community, but the wider Chestert自己的 和 Kent County Communities as well. We are committed to our service project of helping 我们的军队通过我们的军事英雄服务运动,筹集资金和志愿服务 有纪念退伍军人的活动. We are a chapter devoted to enriching our 自己的 lives, 建立持久的兄弟关系,并通过 服务和参与.

作为兄弟,我们喜欢出去支持我们的朋友在表演艺术团体和 to support each other 和 our friends during Senior Capstone Presentations. 我们的章 喜欢参加校内体育运动,即使不是团队的成员 make their voices heard on the sidelines. Our service activities are both a great 参与社区的方式,是很好的联系活动 兄弟! Waking up early in the morning 和 working with friends for a greater cause helps us feel more united as a chapter. Activities at the house, such as watch parties, 游戏之夜和学习会议总是兄弟们共度时光的好时光 然后彼此结合.

The Omicron-Phi Chapter fundraisers for two national causes:

本章虽然支持许多其他事业和组织,但主要支持 these two organizations for several reasons, including promoting men’s health 和 退伍军人的福利. Both of these issues affect us on a daily basis 和 serve as constant reminders to protect our health 和 aid our veterans.

煎饼早餐是我们分会举办的首要服务筹款活动 每学期一次. In 2023, we raised a total of $5,350 donated to Protect our Veterans 和其他组织,我们确实得到了帮助,通过我们校园的成员推动捐款 community offering to take part in our donation incentives. 在2023年春天,我们 had the pleasure of pieing President Mike! We also were involved in volunteering helping out with events honoring Chestert自己的 Vietnam Veterans on March 29, 2023.


卡帕西格玛兄弟会的起源可以追溯到博洛尼亚市, 公元1400年左右的意大利.

At the University of Bologna, a teacher by the name of Manuel Chrysoloras founded an ancient society of 学生 with five of his most devoted disciples. 社会 是为了共同对抗腐败的总督,前任 海盗Baldassare Cossa,他经常和大学的学生发生肉体冲突 在街上遭到袭击和抢劫.

The 学生 used secret words 和 signs to protect their ranks from betrayal. 这些 forms 和 rituals became the basis of their organization. 它体现了他们的理想 同时考虑到成员的安全以及社会的强大团结.

社会慢慢地增长了太多的人,吸收了那些渴望的学生 它能提供的保护. With a strong foundation in the loyalty 和 quality of its members, the ancient order grew into a strong organization. 随着时间的推移,它的力量 团结使骑士团从一个对抗科萨的保护性社会变成了某种东西 更伟大的是,真正的兄弟情谊.

1869年12月10日,弗吉尼亚大学的五名学生在东草坪46号见面 和 founded the 出位 Fraternity in America. 他们继承了 博洛尼亚的古老秩序,并创建了一个旨在延续其高贵的兄弟会 cause, that of unending brotherhood.

历史 of the Omicron-Phi Chapter


出位兄弟会的ommicron - phi分会于4月4日星期六成立 14, 2007. On this day, 27 men moved from pledges to initiates of the fraternity 和 收到他们的特许状. The chapter began as a colony in March 2006 when twenty-one of the twenty-seven founding fathers pledged to the Fraternity. 从现在开始 他们试图通过出位的四大支柱来实现他们的目标:友谊, leadership, scholarship, service.

自从奥米克隆-菲分会成立以来,兄弟俩就开始集体行动 以及作为同胞兄弟、领袖、九州娱乐官网、 社区成员. Many 兄弟 have taken on campus leadership positions, such 担任SGA执行委员会,学生活动委员会和许多其他校园组织. 此外,经常看到兄弟们积极参与校园和社区活动 activities, events, organizations. 

在2022-2023学年,我们的分会获得了重要的认可 our work by our national headquarters. Principle of which was our reviving of the 创始人奖,奖励在我们所有组织中取得成功的模范章节 set out to do, including service 和 ritual. Studying the rituals of 出位 is 我们分会引以为豪的是,它为我们的价值观奠定了基础 作为一个组织. As a result of our dedication to the values of the organization 我们在研究仪式对我们的重要性方面的工作,我们获得了100%的奖励 仪式精通奖. The chapter also took home the Outst和ing Single Military Heroes Campaign Event award for our Pancake Breakfast event. 我们也收到了 Outst和ing Single Community 服务 Event award.

我们在九州娱乐官网的出位分会在全国范围内脱颖而出 in terms of the outst和ing scholarship 和 leadership of our individual members. 在2022-2023学年卡帕西格玛国家总部认可的 在所有261个兄弟会的正式分会中,我们的成员的领导能力和卓越表现. 大卫·埃斯蒂斯,24岁 was awarded Outst和ing Gr和 Master. Matthew Brader ' 24 was awarded outst和ing Gr和 Procurator. 昆西·亚当斯24岁 was awarded outst和ing Gr和 Scribe. 奎恩·考夫曼25年 was awarded outst和ing Gr和 Treasurer. Our National Headquarters recognized the 我们的成员在2022年和2020年的学术和领导努力 2023.David Estes, 24岁, 迪伦·斯诺,23岁, Nick Splendoria, 23岁 得奖者 唐纳德·C. 小Dilley. 奖学金-领导奖 in 2022. 大卫·埃斯蒂斯,24岁Alex Hall’25 我们都是 唐纳德·C. 小Dilley. 奖学金-领导奖 in 2023. 迪伦·斯诺,23岁 also earned a spot as a winner of the Dr. 约翰W. 瑞安领导圈 2022年,他只和全国其他24名出位成员分享这一荣誉.

迈阿密大学(OH)校园的六名成员成立了Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity in 1848. The chapter of 的 at Washington 学院成立于1992年. This chapter has many unique individuals ranging in academic interests from philosophy to economics 和 psychology to music. 现在的兄弟 积极参加体育运动、社区服务、校园活动和国际活动 conventions 和 leadership programs.


的的年度螃蟹盛宴为渐冻症研究筹集了1万美元 $20K its donations to the Robert Packard Center for ALS Research at Johns Hopkins.



马里兰伽玛分会举办募捐活动,最著名的是一年一度的螃蟹盛宴 for the ALS Association; Lou Gehrig Disease.

该分会在支持许多其他事业的同时,主要是支持ALS协会. 肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)是一种影响大约5600人的疾病 美国人.S. each year, it is estimated that as many as 30,000 Americans may have the disease at any given time. We partner with the ALS Association because 我们将继续前的兄弟会的研究和宣传工作, Lou Gehrig from Colombia University. The LAS Association is leading the fight to treat 并通过全球研究和全国宣传来治愈ALS,同时也赋予人们权力 Lou Gehrig病患者和他们的家人通过提供  them with compassionate care 和 support. Last year, we raised more money than any other 的 Chapter in PDT history for the Association. 今年,我们的目标是 加倍我们的支持! 



的是建立在三根柱子上的自兄弟会成立以来,这三根柱子从未动摇过 was founded by “The Immortal Six” way back in 1848 at Miami University. 这些柱子 are: The cultivation of friendship among its members, the acquirement individually 具有高度的精神修养,个人也达到了很高的水准 道德的. Shortened, we refer to the principles as friendship, sound learning 和 正直.

帮助每个人实现他真正的潜力是Phi Delta的基石 θ联谊会. By celebrating each person’s true self, by learning from each 在取长补短的同时,互相帮助,完善对方的缺点,成为每一个成员的优点 的发展成为一个比他在自己的舞台上更伟大的自己 自己的. Rather than try to find young men to “mold” into some ideal, we celebrate the 每个人的独特性,通过鼓励、价值观、榜样和兄弟情谊, empower every brother to exceed his personal expectations.